Mt. Paran
Presbyterian Church
10308 Liberty Road
Randallstown, MD 21133

God has blessed Mt Paran with several acres of property in Randallstown, MD.
Mount Paran's 11am Sunday morning worship is held in the Main Sanctuary of Fellowship Hall. Other special services, including our Christmas Eve Candle Light Service, are held in the Historic Chapel.
Both the Historic Chapel and The Fellowship Hall are ideal spaces for community events. The Historic Chapel currently hosts Pastor Patrick Barrett and the SALT SDA new church development congregation who worships in the Historic Chapel weekly.
Main Sanctuary / Fellowship Hall
Historic Chapel
Current Pastor:
Anita Bishop-Johnson
As the oldest Church in the Baltimore Presbytery we take pride in our continued service in the name of Christ. We welcome everyone to our Sunday School and Bible Discussions at 9:45 a.m. Children's Sunday School is programmed to run from September to May. Adult classes are year-round. We have classes for ages 3 years and up. Our Worship Services begin at 11:00 a.m.
Our choir is active and we welcome anyone who wishes to make a joyful noise. Please contact Elder Akwa Angwafo, Chair Worship Ministry at the church office number.
We pray together often and we utilize a prayer chain of members for emergency collective prayer. This is open to anyone wishing to pray for others.
We are preparing to re-introduce our monthly newsletter, called The Mt Paran Messenger, to keep our members and friends apprised of our activities.
We support an active youth group that encourages Bible Study, fellowship, and service. The Youth meet monthly from September - May with activities that often include trips, events, movie nights, VBS and more. We encourage all youth to participate.
Mt. Paran is proud of being part of the family of God and we invite you to join us as we step out into the world with our message of the Gospel – the Good News that Christ lives and that we serve Him.