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           The mission of this ministry in Mount Paran Presbyterian Church Randallstown besides other things is that of every Christian’s mission “Go and make disciples……” (Matt. 28:19). In Mount Paran we mold Christians to be evangelists at least at a personal level. This is because we know and believe that only Jesus Christ gives abundant, peace –filled life now and forever, any alternative to this is a life of despair, hopelessness and eternal separation from God.

           Evangelism is teaching- proclaiming- preaching the gospel with the aim to convince, convert and win souls to Christ. The pastors, elders and deacons cannot do it all alone. It is for this reason that in Mount Paran we encourage our lay- people to be evangelist at their various corners. That means to share their faith with others. You can be a direct or indirect evangelist.

          Direct evangelist are those who are at the forefront to take the word to others. Indirect evangelist, those who support those at the forefront through spiritual and material support.

           If you cannot go out there with the word to win souls to Christ, you can invite people to church and present the church in a way that will encourage newcomers to visit a church and continue attending. Evangelism at Mount Paran PC is also bringing about the growth of the church.

REFLECTION: If you hear God’s word and keep it to yourself, you are doing a disservice to mankind (God’s people) but if you hear the word and in love share it with a brother, a sister, a friend or a neighbor, you are an evangelist and it will go down in the Kingdom’s records that someone out there knew Christ because of you and this goes with a multiplier effect to win many souls to Christ. It will be a fulfillment of Christ instructions to you and me as stated in Act.1:8 and Matt.28:19-20.


Author Elder Bernard Mbah, Chair

Christian Booklet
Elder Dickson Esakenong, Chair
2017 Evangelism Team

Evangelism Ministry


Spreading The Word to the community through personal contacts


Elder Bernard Mbah


  • Plan and provide for ways to make our church visible to the community

  • Send a welcome letter to returning visitors

  • Develop a series of follow-up activities for interested visitors

  • Oversee CMF & CWF

  • Plan and provide for semi-annual Bring A Friend Sundays

  • Plan and coordinate a Nursing Home ministry

  • Advertise special events in local newspapers

  • Plan and provide for special evangelistic activities (Goal 1 per quarter)

  • Oversee and maintain the church web site

  • Oversee preparation of a church brochure for members to give to friends / coworkers

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